Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fundraiser for Autism at Drinkwater Flowers, Saturday, Dec. 8th

Drinkwater Flowers & Design is hosting a Holiday Centerpiece making event to benefit autism:

Saturday December 8th,
Schedule project time to work with a designer and create your own beautiful Holiday decorated boxwood tree.
Purchase your creation to help fight autism.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Art and Yoga Camp for Children

Check out the Art and Yoga Camp that I am co-leading with Jena Roberts, owner of Sangha Yoga and Michelle Graziano, Licensed NH art teacher! My daughter, Sydney will be participating and we would love to have some inspired artist and yoginis join us right here in Stratham at Sangha Yoga.
Tell your friends who have children ages 8-12.

Sangha Yoga Studio Presents:



We are sooo excited to offer a Summer Camp for Kids. Yoga is an amazing tool to promote self-awareness, self-esteem, and body awareness. Similarly, these attributes are necessary for artists. Art and Yoga go hand in hand. In this day camp, we will discover the relationship between self and the production of artistic expression. Great for beginning yogi or yoginis, yoga will feature vinyasa flow, group activity and meditation/relaxation. Art projects range from exploring the naturalists, expressionists, impressionists and more. The program is developed and taught by Michelle Graziano, licensed NH Art Teacher, Jena Roberts, RYT-200 Yoga instructor & Nicolle Casey, RYT-500 Yoga Instructor. ill feature vinyasa (flow), group activity and meditation/relaxation. Art projects range from exploring naturalists, expressionists, impressionists and more. The program was developed and is taught by a licensed NH Art teacher and a RYT-200 yoga teacher. Runs July 16th – 21st, 10-2pm. $100. Per student, $15. Materials fee.

Who: Children Ages 8-12
Date: July 16-20, 2012
Time: 9.15am-2.15pm
Place: Sangha Yoga, 108 High St. Stratham,  
 Cost: $100. + $15. materials fee

Contact: Jena Roberts, (603) 770-0473 jenap@comcast.net

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One Day - Spring Renewal - Yoga Retreat!

Join me and a wonderful group of Yogis, May 12th - for a lovely day of great food, good folks, a lovely setting, yoga, meditation, chanting, nature walks, silence.... One day but it will feel like a week!
Yoga Retreat at Aryaloka - Newmarket


Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Dr. Butera has to say about the ego

I love what Dr. Butera, one of my yoga teachers and founder of Yoga Life Institute of Penn.,  say's about the ego and how best, for us to come to peace with it;-)
Embrace the ego do not try to eradicate it:-) Ah, I feel better already.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGgYU9zqHUw

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Celebrating Life and the Earth!

My Daughter, Sydney asked yesterday, "Why do we celebrate Easter?" We discussed the Christian celebration of the rebirth of Christ and Mother Earth's celebration of the rebirth of nature. It all boils down to Spring being the time to celebrate new life, right? 
Happy Easter, however, and for whatever reason you celebrate, Love Life!;-)

Below is a post I wrote last year, I hope you can see the perennial purpose of me sharing this;-)

The Easter Bunny is  coming this weekend and my son asked, "Mom, what does the Easter Bunny have to do with eggs anyway. They don't lay eggs." So we had a conversation about Spring time, and the rebirth of nature, and new life and how the prolific bunny and eggs are symbols of the new life and rebirth that takes place in Spring.

The earth is teaming with new life and it is a perfect time to celebrate the season of rebirth, Easter, and "Earth Day"!  

So, get outside, go for a walk, practice Yoga on the lawn. (I hear the folks at the White House will be practicing on their front lawn, prior to hunting for Easter eggs this year.)

Anyway you celebrate, find a way to include our wonderful life giving Earth.

Monday, March 26, 2012

One Day Spring Renewal Retreat!

Please Join me and some of YogaLife Institutes most inspiring Yoga instructors for a One Day Spring Renewal Retreat!
I am so excited to spend the day with my lovely friends; practice yoga, eat amazing, fresh, local, organic and sometime Wild food and reconnect with myself and nature. I'm breathing deeper just thinking about it!
Bring your Mom (It's Mother's day weekend), sister, daughter, husband  
Saturday, May 12th
Aryaloka Buddhist Center, Newmarket, NH (This place is amazing, check it out under Links I Like...)
See link for more details and register online:
Spring Renewal Retreat

Prayer in Nature - Our Topic in Yoga/Meditation class this week

In "The American Scholar," Ralph Waldo Emerson defines three stages for the Transcendentalist's life.

1. One studies the wisdom of the past. In terms of meditation, a review of major mystics satisfies study of the past.
2. Spiritualize life by communing with nature and learning to listen to the divine from within one's self. This idea closely resembles the Yogic thought of stilling one's mind in order to gain an understanding of higher aspects of one's self and reality. Mystics assert that divinity can be found from within.
3. After self-renewal, one works toward the renewal of society at large.

Join Us: 6:00-7:30 at Blue Moon Yoga - Weather permitting, we will practice outside
Dress appropriately and bring a towel if you don't want to put you mat on the ground.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From Worry to Faith

In class today, it was wonderful to hear how students manage worry and build faith. 
Some of us practice acceptance,
Some of us reach out to those that are easy to love like our children,
Some of us build faith through prayer, meditation and discipline to stay in the present and move towards acceptance/surrender

A quote from the Bible "Sermon on the Mount" "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his (her) life?" Matthew 6:27

Welcome to all those new to our Wednesday class and Blessings to those who were not with us today but may join us again.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Special Loving Kindness Meditation - Led by Louise Beck-Longo

In honor of Valentine's Day, I have asked Louise Beck-Longo, Blue Moon Yoga student/Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Zen Meditation practitioner to lead our meditation this evening.  Please join our Yoga and Meditation class at Blue Moon Yoga this evening from 6-7:30pm.
Louise Beck

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Yoga Mala Raised over $11,000. for H(E)AT!

Here we are at Yoga Mala practicing our 95th Sun Salutation! Yes, I did all 108!  It was an amazing practice for a beautiful cause!  Thank you to those that sponsored me for this event. I will be collecting pledges this week.  You can give me your donation in class or put a check in the mail, Payable to HEAT at 8 Spring Creek Lane Stratham, NH 03885.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Great Interview on the Benefits of Yoga

"The Benefits way out way the risks," Broad say's. This is an excellent promotion for our Yoga community who is pursuing Yoga Therapy training through the Yoga Life Institute (See Link's I Like... for more detail)! As science begins to prove the reason's why Yoga is so beneficial and how, Broad suggests it's the way of the future for health and wellness care!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Courage vs. Fear

When we are fearful our bodies have a certain physical and mental response. Yoga can help us with this.
When we are faced with fear, Yoga Philosophy encourages us to practice the opposite.  If we are faced with a situation or thought which makes us fearful we can consider doing something courageous instead. Sounds easy in theory, but what can we do when our bodies shift into a state of fight or flight?

First approach:
1) Identify the fear, (ex. I am afraid of public speaking)
2) Try to accept it.  Perhaps the fear then subsides to a concern...
3) Do what you are afraid of anyway... (What is the worse that can happen?)

Second approach:
Look at an area where you are courageous, like skiing, and apply the courage that it takes to ski to something that you are afraid of. (Contemplate how when you first started skiing you might have been fearful, but the more you did it the more courageous you became.)

In addition, our bodies respond to our conscious and unconscious fears.  Our heart -rate quickens, our breath becomes shallow and isolated to our chest, and our body hunches over and rounds forward to protect our vital organs.  All as if we are preparing to be attacked.  Much of this physical response is unconscious, but if we can learn to become aware of our bodies response we can do things to change them.

Deep Breathing into the diaphragm/belly
Deep breathing increases the oxygen and blood flow to the brain.   Oxygenated blood cleanses the blood stream from stress hormones.
Chest opening stretches to counter the protective posture
Forward bends to surrender to the peace in this moment and offer a new perspective.

The above actions came be done at the times we experience fear, but we can also practice these actions when we practice yoga so that our body remembers how to respond.
Also, movements like spinal twists and side bends massage and soak the organs.  Especially, the liver and kidneys where toxins are stored due to habitual stress response.
When practicing Yoga visualize a small fear and then imagine a courageous behavior that you already possess. Imagine this while doing your physical Asana practice and reinforce the learning in our minds and bodies.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yoga Mala - to Benefit (H)EAT

On February 12th, I will be participating in doing108 Sun Salutations with other local Yoga instructors and students to benefit (H)EAT a charitable organization which will supply heating oil and meals to Seacoast families in need (10,000 gallons and 10,000 meals). 
If you are interested in sponsoring me, I have a pledge sheet at Blue Moon Yoga or you can email me.  You can pledge a set amount or per Sun Salutation.  I plan to do all 108;-)

Here is a link to the event if you are interested in joining me: Yoga Mala

Nicolle Casey

Thursday, January 12, 2012

How The Diaphragm Works in Breathing

Thanks to everyone that joined us for Yoga class this week.  Here is an answer to Louise's excellent question.
The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration. It flattens out to expand the ribs and make room for the lungs during inhalation.  It domes up to form around the heart and lungs during exhalation.  Filling our belly as we inhale draws the diaphragm down increasing the space for the lungs to expand.  Contracting the belly pushes the diaphragm up which compresses the lungs and assists in eliminating the oxygen depleted air.  
Here is a link to a 3-D video which shows how the diaphragm works.
3D view of the Diaphragm
Notice the breath.  What message does it have for us?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

I am continuing to teach the Yoga and Meditation class on Thursday evenings from 6-7:30pm. 
Thanks to all who attended this evening.  
This evening we focus on poses that clear the mind and meditation on inspirational passages as suggested by Eknath Easwaran. Eknath states that slow, sustained concentration on these passages drives them deep into our minds. And whatever we drive deep into consciousness, that we become." Or as the Buddha says, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." 
Eknath compiled a book of passages from many Spiritual traditions.  The title of this book is God Makes the Rivers to Flow from the Sacred Literature of the World Chosen for Daily Meditation
Following is the Prayer of St Francis (which I shared in class this evening)
Lord make me an instrument of thy peace;
Where there is hatred let me sow love,
Where there is injury pardon,
Where there is doubt let me sow faith,
Where there is despair let me sow hope,
Where there is darkness let me sow light,
Where there is sadness let me sow joy
Oh divine master grant that I might not so much seek to
Be consoled as console,
be understood as to understand,
be loved as to love,
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
It is in dying to self that we are bore to eternal life
Here is another passage from the book:
Songs of Sri Ramakrishna
Dwell, O mind, within yourself;
Enter no other’s home.
If you but seek there, you will find
All you are searching for.
God, the true Philosopher’s Stone,
Who answers every prayer,
Lies hidden deep within your heart,
The richest gem of all.
How many pearls and precious stones
Are scattered all about
The outer court that lies before
The chamber of your heart!

New Class

I am now teaching a 1 hour, Yoga I - Vinyasa Flow class at 11:00am on Wednesday’s at Blue Moon Yoga.
The theme of our classes, for the next eight weeks will center on Yoga’s approach to emotions.  
This week we practiced focusing the opposite virtue (hope, joy, faith, acceptance, compassion,) for the times that our emotions interfere with our higher intentions or purpose and prevent us from doing what we have set out to do.
Thank you all who attended.